dear friends,
Obs & gynaecology is again a scoring subject and you have a 2 months long posting in that.You can start studies simultaneously during your posting.Its an easy subject if you enjoy that and has read well in U.G. time.You need to read all relevant important topics from obs and selective clinical topics from gynac. Datta is the book for both as its easy,suitable to Indian needs.Try to learn all basic skills from episiotomy suturing to delivering normal baby.Vacuum delivery they may not give you that easily.Also in gynac do take pap smears,insert copper T,examine ANC .These efforts will help in your future private practice than exams as in practicals usually there is no gynac or obs case.But some gynac complication in medicine patient they can keep.Read properly all previous questions.You can refer my question bank for same where I have tried to compile questions at one place.Common conditions treatment you should know like high risk case screening, approach to CA cervix or severe anaemia in pregnancy or PIH to leucorrhea. Contraception is a topic that should be by heart to you.You are also suppose to know relevant health programmes,community obs & gynac related action plans .Hence for that you need to refer park too.So all the best ,do well.:-)
Obs & gynaecology is again a scoring subject and you have a 2 months long posting in that.You can start studies simultaneously during your posting.Its an easy subject if you enjoy that and has read well in U.G. time.You need to read all relevant important topics from obs and selective clinical topics from gynac. Datta is the book for both as its easy,suitable to Indian needs.Try to learn all basic skills from episiotomy suturing to delivering normal baby.Vacuum delivery they may not give you that easily.Also in gynac do take pap smears,insert copper T,examine ANC .These efforts will help in your future private practice than exams as in practicals usually there is no gynac or obs case.But some gynac complication in medicine patient they can keep.Read properly all previous questions.You can refer my question bank for same where I have tried to compile questions at one place.Common conditions treatment you should know like high risk case screening, approach to CA cervix or severe anaemia in pregnancy or PIH to leucorrhea. Contraception is a topic that should be by heart to you.You are also suppose to know relevant health programmes,community obs & gynac related action plans .Hence for that you need to refer park too.So all the best ,do well.:-)
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