Monday, 15 June 2015

MCQ memory based by June 2015 students

Dear friends ,
With help of Dr. Parag Patil, Dr.Sumana  & Dr.Subha here I am sharing memory based mcqs for you all.Hope that this will help you in your further preparation.

1. 3-4 mcqs on Apgar score like infant with pink colour,respiration irregular,flexion,H.R.100
options 4/5/6.
2. TB prophylaxis to child 10 mg INH 6 Months
3. Exposure to cotton dust cause.....
4.Prevalence detect by which study case control/cross section /cohort.
5.Casseines disease caused by heat/cold /noise /air.
6.Iodine deficiency found by investigation.
7.Relative risk 1 suggestive of....
8.Suggest oil for house use veg oil/veg +animal /mix of more than 2 veg oil.
9.English teacher classify as sedentary life style moderate / severe.
10.Obesity for Indians/asians  BMI of 23/ 27.5 /30.
11.At  12 th weeks pregnancy  uterus not palpable/palpable between pelvic & umbilicus.
12.IUD absolutely contraindicated in menorrhagia/unmotivated patient /abdominal pain.
13. 3 mcqs on zinc supplementation in diarrhoea.
14. White,thick ,foul smelling discharge vaginal diagnosis /investigation /treatment.
15. Peripheral most health delivery system anaganwadi/sub centre/PHC.
16. 2 disaster management.
17.Husband  MDR TB wife sputum smear positive which regimen to prefer in her?
18.abstinence after vasectomy.
19.Virulence, pathogenicity, infectivity 2 qs.
20. Puerperal sepsis within 3/7/21/42 days.
21.At risk infants
22.Curdy  discharge,fishy odour ,flakes,adherent,itching  per vagina gonorrhoea bacterial vaginosis/gonorrhea/candida/trichomonas vaginalis.
23.Ophthalmia neonatorum.
24.Contraindications of epidural anaesthesia.
25.Amino acid deficiency in cereals
26.Entry ,change of stage but no multiplication inside vector termed as Cyclodevelopment propagative /cyclopropagative.
27.Good calcium content in ragi /bajara.
28.Leprosy eradication definition  1/10000 1/1000 1/100000
29.HIV transmission can not occur in tranplacental /universal /breast feeding/perinatal
30. IMNCI colour coding
31.Plastic cover of syringe is disposed in
32.Human waste management
33.Predictor of ASHA work IMR/maternal weight gain
34.Commonest cause of maternal mortality
35.Death registration to be done within
36.Maternal mortality rate 2010 -2012 SRS
37.Vaccine contraindicated in HIV
38.Kalaazar PHC investigation
39.Malaria prophylaxis for 4 weeks stay
40.Primaquine in  pregnancy with falcifarum no dose/1 dose/14 days /2 days
41.Distribution of blood sugar measurement of women 45-60 age group in a village best depicted by bar diagram,composite bar,histogram
42.Farmer's lung.
43.Etiology asbestosis.
44.Age of buying cigarettes.
45. Definition  XDR rifampicin /isoniazid /amikacin/ capreomycin.
46.Local infection in neonate
47.Umbilical discharge 4-5 pustules
48.Cause of acid fastness mycolic acid
49.Why BCG given above left deltoid
50.Insecticide for spraying in Kitchen
51.Insecticide for residual spray
52.Eradication definition for leprosy
53.Indicator of  environmental iodine deficiency
54.PEP in HIV given within 6/12/24 hours preferable
55. Anaesthetic patches 1 nerve involvement....
56.Norethisterone enantate is repeated within ...
57.MAC  11-12/12-13/13-14/14-15.
58.Soft uterus bigger than the period of amenorrhoea molar/fibroid/ectopic/gestational trophoblastic tumour.
59.5 cleans of delivery
60.Subjective well being-living standards PQI/HDI.
61.Couple planning for pregnancy which is beneficial folic acid /Hb%
62.Minimal antenatal check-up
63.ASHA workers immunisation /health information/meeting with ANM/delivery at home
64.Severe malnutrition with effect W/H/ W/A/H/A(W/H wasting /stunting both /none)
65.Preterm < 259 days /< 2500 gms/ both.
66.Essential drugs can serve 80/50 /90/95 % of the diseases
67.Sickle cell anaemia -phenylalanine hydroxylase deficiency /autosomal recessive
68.Selling of counterfeit medicines increased due to high cost/private hospitals/delivery chain
69.A screening test can measure validity /reliability/accuracy.
70.Sullage does not contain  human excreta/?/?
71.Highest quantity of protein in soya bean/egg.
72,Less amount of calcium in spinach /rice
73.Angular stomatitis caused due to riboflavin /thiamine
74.Fe mostly absorbed from duodenum /stomach/distal small intestine
75.Fe absorption better with ascorbic acid ./pantothenic acid
76.Overhead tank water cleaning can be prevented dengue /malaria/filaria
77.Water collection removal of the home surroundings can prevent anopheles /ades/ culex mosquitoes.
78.International health regulation cholera /plague/ polio.
79.Traige most imp red /green/ black
80.Cows milk v/s human milk  vitamin  less A/C/D
81.Two cotton cloth can filter hookworm /ring worm/guinea worm infestation.
82.Single drug given in neonate to prevent MTCT nevirapine /lamivudine /zidovudine
83.Age of marriage in India for men 18/21/25
84.Eligibility for MTP at 18 weeks
85.Which type of E.Coli causes diarrhea in children EPEC/ETEC/EHEC
86.Phylosophy of DOTS plus
87.Define TB failure
88.TB New case no tretment/tretment < 4 weeks
89.Baby friendly hospital initiative.
90.Rooming in concept baby's craddle beside mother/baby & mother in secure place /mother in secure place/baby in secure place.
91.Parameter for sense of well being
92.Sentinel surveillance use
93.Risk from a disease of short duration best denoted by case fatality rate/....
94.AFP measured for antenatal screening of neural tube defect
95.Most important fatty acid to human
96.Nalgonda technique for fluoride removal
97.Dental caries factor
98.Epidemic dropsy sanguinarine
99.Permissible hardness of water
100.Spastic paralysis for which toxin
101.Addition of little quantity of nutrient to food termed as food addition/enrichment/fortification/adulteration
102.child with charge of theft should be sent to remand homes/borstal /prison
103.Child with naughtiness to be send to
104. Rog kalyan samiti
105. Vaccine contraindicated in HIV mother
106.Iron plus initiative
107. Paucibacillary leprosy treatment in child
108.Most important indicator for air pollution
109.Sick child acute respiratory infection/diarrhoea/suspected local and systemic bacterial infections
110.First vaccine to be developed for STI HPV/HEP B /Syphilis/Gonorrhea.
111.Skin fold thickness measured in all areas except suprailiac/suprascapular/subscapular/triceps
112.Screening of diabetes to be started after whic hage 40/45/30/18
113.Emergency contraception 4 OCP od 30 mcg estrogen
114.Progesterone content in yasmin
115.Which mosquito larva floats horizontally under water surface
116.Types of pesticide to kill birds/tick/ mites/rodent mouds
117.Ability of a test to find out correctly which are not present positive predictive value/sensitivity/specificity
118.Comparison of prevalance of a disease in two places done by which test chi square,anova,student t test,paired student test
119.Effectiveness of MDG done by which indicator neonatal mortality/maternal mortality/under 5 mortality
120.White patch after giving aceto acetic acid denotes which malignancy cervix/skin

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