Wednesday, 15 July 2015

How to study geriatric medicine?

Dear friends,
           Many students asked us what is geriatric medicine,how different it is from routine medicine,do we need to prepare separately for it  in our D.N.B.preparation?
          Well geriatrics is a developing discipline as due to better health services elderly population is on rise.Also changed family structure to nuclear family old age homes are increasing.So a family medicine person should know well about geriatric population medicine.
            Its a special age group hence require few modification in your routine treatment protocol due to there altered physiological body status.In  D.N.B. no special preparation is required as you daily work with many old age patients in your ward,ICU,OPD rotation.What simple thing  you need to follow is observe carefully  modifications are required in there treatment,your half battle is over there only.
             You can also read publications by geriatric society India and books like CMDT geriatrics.
post D.N.B. you can do some good course in geriatrics to enhance your knowledge further in subject.
while preparing for exam do follow qs in q bank by us.These will save your lot of time.You must have noticed that each year paper 1/2  have  approach based geriatric qs.So all the best and prepare well,fearlessly.Almighty blessed us all.good day.